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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Surya Namaskara- The Sun Salutation

 Surya Namaskara- The Sun Salutation

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1. Pranama- asana- the Prayer pose
2. Hasta Uttan asana- the Raised Arms pose
3. Pada- hasta asana- the Hand to Foot pose
4. Ashwa Sanchalan asana- the Equestrian pose
5. Parvat- asana- the Mountain pose
6. Ashtanga Namaskara- the Eight-Limbed Salutation
7. Bhujang asana- the Cobra pose
8. Parvat- asana- the Mountain pose
9. Ashwa Sanchalan asana- the Equestrian pose
10. Pada- hasta asana - the Hand to Foot pose
11. Hasta Uttan asana- the Raised Arm pose
12. Pranama- asana- the Prayer pose
I. Omkar Meditation
II. Warm-Up Poses

    1. Head Rotation- Forward/Backward Bend, Side Bend, Twist
    2. Shoulder Rotation
    3. Wrists Rotation
    4. Waist Rotation
    5. Upper Body: Twist, Forward/Backward Bend, Side Bends, Body Rotation

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