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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Surya Namaskara- The Sun Salutation

 Surya Namaskara- The Sun Salutation

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1. Pranama- asana- the Prayer pose
2. Hasta Uttan asana- the Raised Arms pose
3. Pada- hasta asana- the Hand to Foot pose
4. Ashwa Sanchalan asana- the Equestrian pose
5. Parvat- asana- the Mountain pose
6. Ashtanga Namaskara- the Eight-Limbed Salutation
7. Bhujang asana- the Cobra pose
8. Parvat- asana- the Mountain pose
9. Ashwa Sanchalan asana- the Equestrian pose
10. Pada- hasta asana - the Hand to Foot pose
11. Hasta Uttan asana- the Raised Arm pose
12. Pranama- asana- the Prayer pose
I. Omkar Meditation
II. Warm-Up Poses

    1. Head Rotation- Forward/Backward Bend, Side Bend, Twist
    2. Shoulder Rotation
    3. Wrists Rotation
    4. Waist Rotation
    5. Upper Body: Twist, Forward/Backward Bend, Side Bends, Body Rotation

Thursday, June 20, 2024


1. Creating an Application in EPBCS.

2. Configuring Financials

3. Navigating EPBCS

4. Importing and Exporting Metadata. 

5. Importing Data from Data Files.

6. Loading Data using Data Management.

7. Entering Revenue and Expenses in Financials.

8. Setting up Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Assumptions.

9. Maintaining Applications.

10. Creating Users and Groups.

11. Assigning Artifact Access.

12. Migrating Application Artifacts.

Sunday, March 31, 2024



 COMMANDS- frequently used commands are:

  3.  IF . . . ELSEIF . . . ELSE . . . ENDIF
  4.  AGG
  5.  CALC DIM

Thursday, March 28, 2024



  1. • Comments in Business Rules can be inserted between stars surrounded by forward slashes. This text will be ignored by the calculation engine.
  2. • Comments will be displayed with green font.



Operators define equations for Business Rules. 

                           There are three types of operators:

  1. Mathematical Operators
  2. Conditional & Logical Operators
  3. Cross-Dimensional Operator



BSO calc language supports an enormous number of functions.

 categories of Functions
  1. Boolean Functions
  2. Relationship Functions
  3. Mathematical Functions
  4. Member Set Functions
  5. Range & Financial Function
  6.  Allocation Functions
  7. Forecasting Functions
  8. Statistical Functions
  9. Date & Time Functions
  10. Miscellaneous Functions
  11.  Custom Defined Function


                                                           FIX COMMANDS 

The FIX . . . ENDFIX command block restricts calculations in a BSO database to a specific set of members within that database.